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Project: Audio Amplifier PCB

This project was the culmination of a course where I learned the full circuit design to PCB production toolchain. We began with a circuit diagram for an audio amplifier, and from there created a full PCB layout. This involved using the Capture CIS circuit layout software, Allegro PCB Designer, and  Gerbtool. 

This project began with a simple two input Audio Amplifier circuit design provided to us. From there, we used Capture CIS, a sophisticated circuit layout tool, to recreate the layout of the circuit with actual parts. Doing this involved creating the appropriate circuit symbols for the IC's used in the circuit. Once the full design was layed out, we were able to create a full netlist for the design and move on to the actual board layout. 

Using Allegro PCB Designer, an industry-standard tool, we meticulously laid out the circuit components. This phase required significant planning to optimize factors like return current paths, trace lengths, via usage, and maintaining a continuous ground plane.

The layout from Allegro was translated into Gerber files, one for each PCB layer. These files were sent to a local board house for manufacturing, bringing our digital designs into the physical realm. This project was a deep dive into the nuances of PCB design and production. It was a blend of technical expertise and practical problem-solving, providing hands-on experience with industry-standard tools and a deeper understanding of the complexities involved in turning a circuit concept into a tangible, functioning PCB.

Electrical Engineering Student

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